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Artist Q&A w/ Noelle Huser

Updated: Feb 13, 2019

name/location/mediums: * Noelle Huser, Missoula MT, journalist, dancer, performance artist, musician?!

social media/website: * instagram: @_nodancing twitter (for journalism): @NoelleHuser

If you had three wishes, what would you wish for? oof... I feel like it is corny to say world peace or a dismantled system or something so like those things too but im gonna get real selfish with this one and say... A ticket to Berlin cause I have always wanted to go, mad guitar skills and my own dance studio/performance space

Do you believe in the supernatural? Have you ever had an spooky experiences? YES. When I was a kid I thought I saw fairies and ghosts all the time. Also apparently my grandma has some crazy psychic powers but she is really nonchalant about it. And sometimes my dreams come true and I'm convinced I have some empath abilities, I can physically feel other peoples pain in my stomach sometimes.

What is one of the most important things in your life? music, music, music, there is almost always music in my ears.

What was the last work of art you completed? I created an experimental dance solo in my dance lab class and performed it Monday, Feb 4. The prompt was to make a solo thinking about all the things we have always wanted to do on stage. I have always wanted to explore nudity because I think the body needs to be normalized, especially female, non binary and trans bodies. It was scary, I emerged from behind a black curtain and performed topless in front of my class. I turned off all the lights and made my classmates lit me with their iphones so that they had a part in it. It was called "Shower at the Bates Motel,"I wanted to explore darkness, light, vulnerability and exposure by manipulating the context of the body in space.

What is something you want to experience? a sensory deprivation tank

Do you feel that the Missoula art scene is accessible? If not from or in Missoula, where are you and is the music and arts scene accessible? I think it is and it isn't. It is pretty supportive and allows for networking and artistic cultivation. I know I have felt like I was able to really come out of my shell here and try things I would never have imagined myself doing before. But I also think there are ways it needs to open up to be more diverse and gender inclusive. I think that we get stuck in genre-based ruts and that the same voices get to be uplifted over and over again. I think people in positions of power need to take a step back and look outside themselves more. There still can be this weird cliquey dynamic with it that can make it seem off putting to "outsiders." Also performance art is not very normalized and I think it needs to be more, I think our audiences need to be challenged more.

What is your most prized/valued possession? probably all my journals that I have kept over the years, dating back to childhood. I feel like everything is in there, it's all of me and it's all on my bookshelf.

What do you think Alex Jones thinks is in the water that is turning the frogs gay? kool aid?

Do you walk, take the bus, bike, drive, or some other form of transportation? walk mostly, drive sometimes but I am a horrible driver

What is on your wishlist right now? GEAR! I wanna be a gear gal so I can play music with all my cool gear! Right now I am in need of a guitar amp, a microphone and all the stuff for it's set up, a loop pedal and a vocal processor. I have never had access to instruments which has kept me from making music but I have recently decided that is bullshit and that I need to find these things and just make it happen.

Do you have a favorite Instagram that you follow? oh my god... so many... I'm kind of addicted. But @aliehualice never ceases to totally blow my mind with their crazy dada sculpture/costume design/ body photoshop art

Do you think colors have inherent emotional qualities, or is it relative? they have inherent emotional qualities that are relevant to each individual ;)

If you could play any role in a move, play, television show, etc. who would you be and why? ooo that is so tricky. Just going off more recent movies that I have seen, Madame Blanc from the Suspiria remake, cause she is this like dark, mother, modern dance goddess who conjures some spooky shit and I love Tilda Swinton

What do you listen to in order to “cheer up”? right now I have a "Vitamin D" playlist on spotify it includes: Khruangbin, Saada Bonaire, Courtney Barnett, Jay Som

Do you have a creative process? yes but it always changes. It usually incorporates a question or thing I want to explore, a vision, an intentional improvisation process, then composing and then revising and editing.

Do you have any phobias? Fear of getting stabbed in the shower... hence the "shower at the bates motel". fear of ticks, does fear of commitment count? wait I don't know if I can commit to that answer.

Do you have any pets? no :( my mom's boyfriend back home has a dog who is like my best friend though, his name is Whisky, he is diabetic and blind and the most loving dog ever

Have you heard of CRISPR? What do you think about it? SHIT IS CRAY

Are there limits to human creativity? What are yours? haha nah... yes? Mine is my own brain, it gets in the way of free flowing expression sometimes and makes things really complicated when they probably don't need to be

What is your favorite article of clothing? I have these sick, black oil slicky holographicy doc martins with rainbow stitch and I got them for %60 off...

What movie has the best soundtrack? oh god. In highschool Almost Famous really stuck with me. But now I love Sue Jorge's soundtrack to Life Aquatic and Yan Tiersen's soundtrack for Amilie.

Describe your room. My room looks way younger and more immature than I am which I think is funny. It kind of has a diary aesthetic, lots of little sketches and mementos and lots of pink haha. I have been meaning to rearrange to sort of update it. It's pretty colorful, lots of pastels colors. It must say something about me but when I think about it I feel like it doesn't reflect how I present myself to the world, but maybe that is why, its this private personal space that allows me to keep my innocence.

What is your preferred method of listening to music (YouTube, Spotify, etc.)? Spotify, radio (KBGA!), vinyl

If you have written a song, what is the worst one you have ever written? How did it go? I wrote a stupid homicidal song about my ex who was deathly allergic to strawberries, it is called "strawberries" and it's just about how much I loved strawberries after we broke up. I still stand by it and my band I just formed is totally going to complete and perform it and it is going to be so silly and stupid and fucking awesome.

What are your thoughts on higher education for visual and performing arts? still figuring that out, there are pros and cons, I have an existential crisis pretty much every day about what it means to be studying dance like I am. I have learned so much and had so many cool opportunities and perspective changes and so much valuable information and tools but also it is limiting in other ways. It can be frustrating and weird. Especially when the university and this super artistic thriving town feel like they are worlds away. I seek work in both settings because each are so different

What do you think of the yellow vest movement/protests going on? thats a big question. I have different opinions on different ones I guess. I am just trying to focus on my part as an activist of being an advocate as an arts reporter and covering important and challenging stories and then as an artist using the confrontational power of my art forms to spread messages that actually get people feeling and thinking and reacting and re-evaluating.

If there is a root to all evil, what is it? money

Do you like any cliche phrases, specifically? fuck. all of them, im one basic bitch. hey there is one!

Is there anything that is on your mind you want to talk about? sincerity vs. satire, strength in vulnerability, what the hell "performing" means and the pressures surrounding it, consent in creating with others (especially with the body), performance art, imposter syndrome, call out culture

Best music editing/recording software? my knowledge extends to garage band lol


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