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Artist Q&A w/ Ro Ni Ru


Roni/Kalispell/Digital, Oil, Pencil Drawing, Poetry, Film

Social Media/Website:

RO RU FB, Sickassbrat IG

What’s the last artwork you purchased?

My friend Syd's large acylic painting

What kind of art do you wish you owned?

all of my friend's art, all art that inspires me and makes me feel alive

Where do you absolutely wish to visit?

where I belong

Who is your favorite artist?

everyone I come in contact with

What are your hobbies?

creating, getting in touch with my inner child, feeling my emotions

What role does the artist have in society?

sharing their perspectives, using their talents and passions to express

What is your favorite artwork?

hmmmmm N/A

Favorite project you’ve ever worked on?

Performance Art for Moon Kingdom RVA

Describe your practice in five words.

Raw Confrontational Empathetic Dynamic Duality

What would you do with $1 Million?

cause as much a ruckus politically while funding as many pro trans, POC, ant-capitalist foundations I could and also buy myself a house

How did you start making art?

FEELING, being inspired, sometimes a brain spark with the image of the project I want to realize

Do you have a favorite quote?

I like lots of quotes but I don't keep em around very well apparently

What are your greatest challenges and/or frustrations with art? Your art?

finding the space/time )^:

How do you view yourself as an artist?

uhhhhh hmmmm I see myself as eagerly and honestly trying maybe a little naive, not fully formed, i see myself compared to my practice and the things i want to express and make and i feel like a little pupa but I see someone with a lot of sparkling bright ideas

How do you feel about self-promotion?

ugh yuck

How do you price your work?

not high

What do you intend to say with your art?

usually something with an anti-capitalist, queer, anti-white sentiments by proxy because that's how my perspective in this world is and thru my art it is shared

Are you a nostalgic person?

Who isn't ???

What is the most “useful” emotion? The most “useless”?

NONE R USELESS the only thing I wish to eradicate is shame cuz that is just internalized abuse and does nothing but hurt and stagnation

Are you ready to die? Lol



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