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Q&A w/ Lukas Phelan

NAME/AGE/LOCATION/MEDIUM(S): Lukas Phelan / 29 / Missoula / painting, music, education SOCIAL MEDIA/WEBSITE: WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FOUR-LETTER WORD? Lov… jk, Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about the work “DUCK” TOP 3 TRACKS RIGHT THIS FUCKIING SECOND. GO! Yellow Magic Orchestra - Wild Ambitions Hand Habits - Placeholder Ariana Grande - Thank U, Next DO YOU HAVE A GO-TO JOKE, YOU KNOW, LIKE WHEN YOU’RE IN A DANGEROUS SITUATION TO THROW OFF YOUR OPPONENT? Na, I mostly just act like a goof and hope it comes across as charming DO YOU BELIEVE IN HAVING “FAVORITES”? IF SO, WHAT ARE SOME OF YOURS? Sure, Zoë, Topanga, Arthur Russell, eggs, Moose’s Saloon, Kate Bush, summer, Gonzaga Basketball, Watson the dog, probably more I’m going to regret not saying. WHAT CAN ART DO? Build community, create beliefs, dismantle tyrannic systems and constructs... WHAT IS THE POINT OF MAKING ART? Just for fun. Nah, this is a tough one, I think art making is an important part of making sense of a confusing world. Anything is possible in art, so really all kinds of good can come from it. I think often when someone commits to living with art and artmaking in their lives, they are everyday tearing apart and deconstructing what they know and how they’ve been socialized to make new meaning and new systems. It’s this important process of keeping the world fresh and hopefully more just. WHAT WILL ALWAYS MAKE YOU BURST OUT LOUD IN LAUGHTER? Eh, it’s usually not that hard to make me laugh. Sometimes I will cry when I laugh too much. WHAT IS AN OBSCURE FACT YOU KNOW William Carlos Williams delivered the baby Robert Smithson? I also probably know too much about dumb marvel movies. DOES ORIGINALITY EXIST? Not really, but you never stand in the same river twice right? Also, that thing I said earlier about “new beliefs”.

DO YOU REMEMBER THE FIRST ALBUM YOU HAD ON VINYL/TAPE/CD/WHATEVER? Big Willie Style CD WHAT IS A SONG YOU KNOW ALL THE LYRICS TO? I’m not usually great at lyrics unless I know I’m going to perform them. But I’ve learned a few cover-type songs over the years. I also loooove karaoke. I guess to answer the question: Tubthumping

WHAT IS AN “IDEAL” ART SCENE LOOK LIKE? IS THERE AN IDEAL? Really good question, I’d say a good art scene is diverse and accessible to marginalized groups of people, safe and supportive, open to dialog and change, weird, opposed to and powerful against dominant capitalist and fascist cultural systems, and I guess healthily funded by supportive patrons and curators. WHAT KIND OF OPPORTUNITIES ARE YOU HOPING TO EXPLORE IN THE FUTURE IN TERMS OF ART, LIFE, WHATEVER? Parenthood, recording good albums, traveling. ARE YOU OPEN TO COLLABORATING? IF SO, WHAT WOULD YOU WANT THAT TO LOOK LIKE? Always, I’ve been thinking lately about how much more I enjoy collaborating on art projects than I do just doing them myself. I don’t think it’s the case for everybody, but I only really want to collaborate on things from now on. DO YOU SECRETLY OR NOT-SO-SECRETLY ADMIRE ANYONE? Yes and yes. HOW IS IT POSSIBLE THAT YOU EXIST TODAY? TO WHAT DO YOU ATTRIBUTE YOUR SUCCESS IN MAKING IT THIS FAR? Supportive family and communities, certainly privilege on many levels, good role models. ARE YOU LEFT-HANDED OR RIGHT-HANDED, BOTH, OR NEITHER? Right handed mostly. WHICH CAME FIRST: CUPID OR HIS ARROWS? I feel like I’m missing something in this question, but I’m going to say “CUPID”. WHAT IS SOMETHING YOU WOULD LIKE TO GET BETTER AT? Working out, spelling, good jokes and not sounding like a goof on the radio, more piano tricks and hot country licks, these are more than just one thing. I also wish i could do sculpture, that’s always struck me as the most interesting visual art medium. WHAT ARE YOU BEST AT? WHAT ARE YOU WORST AT? WHAT ARE YOU ABSOLUTELY AVERAGE AT? Yikes, I lie to think I’m good with kids, and maybe music? Worst at time management. Absolutely average at fashion. DO YOU HAVE ANY TIPS FOR RELAXING? Hikes are good, baths, board games and puzzles, I’m kinda an extrovert so for me spending time with friends is relaxing. IS THERE A SOURCE OF INSPIRATION FOR YOU? MULTIPLE SOURCES? Yuh, reading books, music, going on trips, podcasts, and just like, living in the world, man. WHAT IS SOMETHING YOU BELIEVE EVERYONE SHOULD BE AWARE OF? Well probably like climate change, feminist/gender theory, I don’t know, probably lots of stuff. IS LA CROIX A GENIE IN A BOTTLE HAIRSPRAY IN A CAN OOH! BUBBLY WATER? HOW FUN! (i select all of the above)

ARE YOU WORKING ON ANY PROJECTS CURRENTLY? Yeah always, I’ve got a duck content instagram account, I’m moving into a new house, I’ve got many recording projects in the works and upcoming, and I hope to do another big painting show with Zoë sometime in the next year. DO YOU HAVE ANY COOL PARTY TRICKS? I work with kids so I have a few. WHAT IS THE LAST THING YOU LISTENED TO? Been listening to new Wolfgang Strutz album called Tea Please a lot, I wish it were longer. IF YOU WERE A CHARACTER ON A PLAYING CARD, WHAT WOULD YOUR STATS LOOK LIKE? Ice Daggers: 100 HP! DO YOU REMEMBER YOUR FIRST CELEBRITY CRUSH? I’m struggling to think of any but I’m sure I had a lot. DID/DO YOU PLAY SPORTS? I played lots of sports as a kid but I was never that good at them. I like to think I’m more coordinated now. I like basketball. I’m really good at foosball but that’s not a sport. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF MEMES? Love ‘em, the medium of our generation. I’ve been listening to this really funny podcast called The Meme Team hosted by Tony Zaret that I think everyone should listen to and try to make come back. ARE YOU SWEET, SALTY, SOUR, OR A COMBINATION OF THOSE THINGS? Yuck, I don’t know. My cat licks my hair to wake me up, maybe you should ask her. WRITE A HAIKU. Aaah too scared. I love to read poetry but I can not do it at all. I admire poets to the upmost degree. ARE YOU READING ANYTHING? WHAT IS A BOOK YOU HAVE READ MULTIPLE TIMES? Lately I’ve been having a hard time finishing books, I keep starting new ones half way through the one I’m already reading. Right now I’m going back and forth between The Importance of Being Iceland by Eileen Myles, Compass by Mathais Énard, Arts of Wonder by Jeffrey L. Kosky. I did recently finish a really good book of poetry by once Missoulian, Alicia Mountain called High Ground Coward that I would highly recommend. I’m not a big re-reader, though I have read Borges’ stories over and over again. DO YOU HAVE OPINIONS ON THE ADVANCEMENT OF TECHNOLOGY? Eh yeah probably but I usually feel pretty behind the curve. VR is cool, Jeff Bezos can kick rocks. TELL ME ANYTHING YOU’D LIKE:

If you see any ducks please send me photos so I can post them on my good duck instagram account.


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